To leave or to be left

There are people who intersect you life at some point and you know that it is just the beginning of your friendship/relationship with them. I’ve had a couple of those encounters recently, but Paul and Abigail Steiner are two of those people!

Even though they are leaving Indiana and headed to Miami, Florida to church plant our paths are far from done crossing!

Sunday was their farewell and, man oh man, did it bring back a whole host of emotions for me! I have been the one that is leaving far more times than I have been the one that is left. It was interesting. As I watched the family ministries team tease Paul about many things, then I felt the tone change as the Steiner family were prayed over and given serious gifts. The whole time is was like watching my life through someone else.

That was me. More than once that was me. It got me thinking. Is it easier to be the one leaving or the one being left?

Now I actually thinks there are a lot of variables to which is easier. For example if you are going away for a couple of weeks to somewhere you want to go, you are excited and you have a great time. My guess it might be easier to be the one going. If, however, the one leaving is going on a long-term, hard-working, high risk country and you are a home body you may be very glad to be the one that is left behind.

What are you opinions?

To leave or to be left that is the question.

About Angela

Coffee lover, foodie, PW, TCK, wine taster, MOPS mentor mom, Pampered Chef, wife, mom, auntie, sister, daughter...I have many labels, but the only one I let stick is Child of the King!
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1 Response to To leave or to be left

  1. Kristin Sismey says:

    Good question! As one who is mostly the one who leaves, I would say leaving is generally easier with a few exceptions. But maybe this goes hand in hand … you do what comes easier to you?? Those of us who leave need the people who stay behind so we have got a constant which we can return to ….


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